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Our Safe Delivery Guarantee

Shop risk-free with our safe delivery guarantee.

Our Safe Delivery Guarantee

We want you to order risk-free and have an enjoyable, stress-free experience when shopping with us, so we've got your order covered every step of the way with our Safe Delivery Guarantee.

Free Comprehensive Parcel Insurance

We've spent a lot of time perfecting our packaging to ensure that your order arrives safe and sound. However, if an item gets damaged during delivery, we'll send you a replacement free of charge.

Extended 60-Day Return Period

We've extended our no-questions-asked return policy to 60-days on all orders. Order risk-free, and if you're unhappy with anything simply return the items for a quick and easy refund. Learn more.

Free Extended Warranties

Our Professional Ring Lights (12", 18", 19") and Crystal Vanity Mirror's (1, 2) come with a free 3-year extended warranty against faults or defects under normal operating conditions. This includes electrical faults. All other products come with a standard 1-year warranty under standard operating conditions. Learn more.



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